

什么是催眠? 催眠的是什么样的感觉?




这些是大脑的自然内在节律。 催眠和脑电波模式随放松,解决问题和睡眠等活动而变化。 大脑的不同区域可以参与各种活动级别,但是这些模式之一始终是主要的。

有四种主要的脑电波模式(1. beta, 2. alpha, 3. theta, 4. delta) 第五个鲜为人知的模式 (5. gamma).

1) Beta (14-40Hz)-意识的觉醒和推理的脑电波浪潮

Beta波与普通的觉醒意识以及警觉性,逻辑性和批判性推理的增强状态相关。 这是我们在日常工作,交谈和互动中所感受到的状态。


2) Alpha (7.5-14Hz)-深层松弛波

这些脑电波通常在闭上眼睛时深深地放松,沉迷于美丽的幻想或轻度的冥想中。 这是为成功制定计划,增强想象力,可视化,专注力,记忆力和学习力的最佳时机。

它是通向潜意识的门户,是潜意识中意识的基础。 Alpha的声音是您的直觉,当您接近7.5Hz时,声音会变得更加精确和深刻。 这是催眠的最佳条件。 在这种情况下,beta中持续不断的明显的不休已经大大停止,而潜意识却接受了建议。

3) Theta (4-7.5 Hz)-轻度冥想和睡眠波

在深度冥想和轻度睡眠之间存在Theta脑电波,包括最关键的REM梦境。 这是潜意识的境界,只有当您从Alpha入睡并从深度睡眠(从达美)中醒来时,您才会经历片刻。 您脑中最扎根的程序是在Theta,在那里您将体验到充满活力的可视化效果,出色的灵感,深刻的创造力和非凡的见解。

4) Delta (0.5-4Hz)-深度睡眠波

增量频率是所有频率中最慢的,在无梦的深度睡眠中进行。 Delta是您无意识的思想的领域,将其带到集体无意识的地方,在这种情况下,所收到的信息在有意识的水平上是不可用的。 通常,深度睡眠对于愈合过程至关重要,因为它与深度愈合和再生有关。 当人们无法充分睡眠时,会以一种或多种方式危害他们的健康。 尽管您的潜意识非常活跃,但是处于三角洲状态时,催眠功能就没有用,因为您听不到给出的建议。 在这个时代,潜意识就像电脑一样。 排序,归档,组织和丢弃数据。

5) Gamma (40Hz and above)-洞察波

此范围是最新发现,并且是超过40Hz的最快频率。 对这种情绪知之甚少,但早期研究表明,伽马波与直觉脉冲和高信息处理水平有关。


Alpha 脑电波将意识思维(β或γ脑电波)和潜意识(θ或增量脑电波)桥接在一起。 经历轻度冥想意识催眠的人可能处于alpha状态。 那些陷入深度冥想意识状态的人更有可能处于Theta脑波状态,并且无论他们如何经历冥想意识状态都总是完美的。

如果您醒着并思考着,但又放松了,并且没有积极地解决问题,那么您可能会遇到 alpha脑电波 。

Beta 脑电波引领我们的日常生活。 在这种状态下,我们坚定地意识到并积极从事诸如阅读,对话,思考和计算之类的心理活动。 有趣的是,长时间处于 beta 波状态可能会让人感到压倒性和压力。 放松会改变脑电波的状态并缓解这些情绪。


冥想意识状态并没有什么奇怪的,因为它是人类经常练习的一种心态,无论他们是否意识到。 催眠治疗师的技能是在于很有效的时刻关注状态,轻轻地引导与被催眠者的潜意识进行沟通,成功地释放出受阻的能量,并解决特定的问题。


实现冥想意识的精神状态本身就是有益的。 它是平静,安全和舒适的。 冥想意识状态改变并扩大了我们的时间感。 理性的思维结构不会限制我们的思维。 但是也许是最美丽的,在冥想意识状态下,潜意识开始通过图像和隐喻进行交流。 我们的意识存在并且正在观察,但是我们的潜意识提供信息并接受建议。

预订催眠疗法个案或个人咨询: https://durganihantri.com/cn/private-coaching

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从神秘的魔法到日常的冥想 催眠术的历史充满了矛盾。 一方面,催眠的故事有点像正常的呼吸一样简单平凡。 就像呼吸一样,催眠术是一种普遍的日常习惯属性,就像白天昼夜人类的进化论一样的理解。 另一方面,直到最近几十年我们才意识到这一点。 催眠术本身已经过去了几千年了,但是我们对控制它的能力的理解发生了深刻的变化。 那么,催眠术的历史就是知觉改变的故事。 在二十一世纪,您可能仍然会发现有人将冥想视为一种隐秘的力量。 显然,那些相信催眠术可以用来创造奇迹或控制思想的人,只是简单地分享数百年来盛行的共识。 记录下来的历史充斥着诱人的习俗和仪式,从现代的角度看,印度教吠陀教徒在古代埃及的魔法经文中,从催眠的角度看,它们与催眠术非常相似。 这些疗愈技术往往是出于魔术或宗教目的,例如占卜或与神灵交流。 但是,必须记住,我们认为神秘主义是当今的科学机构,其目标与现代科学相同-治愈人类疾病并增加知识。 Franz Mesmer (弗朗茨·梅斯梅尔) 从西方的角度来看,催眠史上的决定性时刻发生在18世纪。 弗朗兹·梅斯默(Franz Mesmer)的工作可以被视为隐匿,催眠的最后繁荣,也是科学视野的最初繁荣。 Mesmer是第一个提出催眠作用的合理依据的人。 尽管我们现在知道他的动物磁性概念是通过神秘的以太体(又称为光体)从疗愈师传递给患者的,但这种观点是错误的,但这完全基于当时的科学思想,特别是艾萨克·牛顿的引力理论。 梅斯默(Messmer)也是第一个开发出一致的催眠方式的人,并被他的追随者们所继承。 这仍然是一种非常仪式化的做法。 例如,梅斯梅尔本人(Messmer)本人喜欢用绳子将他的病人链接在一起,使他的动物的磁力可以通过,从而使病人产生大量感应。 在这种情况发生时,他很喜欢穿斗篷打扮,并在玻璃口琴上演奏轻快的音乐。 催眠师作为一个神秘人物的流行形象在这个时候可以被确定。…


The Power of Hypnosis and Brainwaves

The ability to enter the trance state instantly is the basis of hypnosis

What is hypnosis? How does it feel?

Whether we accept it or not, our reality consists of our beliefs, thoughts, and spirits.

In other words, what you think most begins to appear in your life, and if this is true, you can use your thoughts to create exactly the reality you want with precision.

What are Brainwaves?

These are the natural internal rhythms of the brain. Hypnosis and brainwave patterns change with activities such as relaxation, problem-solving, and sleep. Different regions of the brain can be involved in various activity levels, but one of these patterns is always dominant.

There are four main brain wave patterns (1. beta, 2. alpha, 3. theta, 4. delta) and a fifth lesser-known pattern (5. gamma).

1) Beta (14-40Hz)-Awakening of Consciousness and Waves of Reasoning

Beta waves are associated with ordinary awakening consciousness and an increased state of alertness, logic, and critical reasoning. This is the state we feel as we work, talk, and interact in our daily routine.

Beta brain waves are essential for useful daytime function, but they can also cause stress, restlessness, and anxiety.

2) Alpha (7.5-14Hz)-Deep relaxation waves

These brain waves are present in deep relaxation, usually when the eyes are closed, indulging in beautiful fantasies or light meditation. It's the perfect time to program your mind for success, enhancing your imagination, visualization, concentration, memory, and learning.

It is the gateway to your subconscious and is the basis of your awareness in subconsciousness. Alpha's voice is your intuition and becomes more precise and more profound as you approach 7.5Hz. This is the best condition for hypnosis. This is when the constant chatter in beta has stopped significantly, and the subconscious mind accepts suggestions.

3) Theta (4-7.5 Hz)-Light meditation and sleep waves

Theta brain waves exist between deep meditation and light sleep, including the most critical REM dream state. It's the realm of your subconscious, and you'll only experience it for a moment when you fall asleep from Alpha and wake up from deep sleep (from Delta). The most rooted program in your mind is in Theta, where you will experience vibrant visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity, and extraordinary insights.

4) Delta (0.5-4Hz)-Deep sleep waves

The delta frequency is the slowest of all and is practiced in a dreamless, deep sleep. The Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, bringing it to the collective unconscious where the information received is not available at the conscious level. Often, deep sleep is essential to the healing process as it is associated with deep healing and regeneration. When people can't sleep well enough, it's terrible for their health in one or more ways. Hypnosis is not useful when you are in a delta state despite the very active subconscious mind because you cannot hear the suggestions given. This is an era when the subconscious mind is like a computer. Sort, file, organize and discard data.

5) Gamma (40Hz and above)-Insight Wave

This range is the latest discovery and is the fastest frequency beyond 40Hz. Little is known about this mood, but early studies have shown that gamma waves are associated with intuitional bursts and high information processing levels.

Optimal Brain Wave States for Hypnosis

Alpha brain waves bridge the conscious mind (beta or gamma brain waves) and the subconscious (Theta or delta brain waves). People who experience mild trance with hypnosis may be in an alpha state. Those who fall into a deep trance state are more likely to be in a Theta brain wave state and are always perfect no matter how they experience trance.

If you're awake and thinking, but you're relaxed and don't actively solve the problem, you may have an alpha brain wave. 

Beta brain waves lead most of our daily lives. This is a state in which we are firmly conscious and actively engaged in mental activities such as reading, conversation, thinking, and calculation. Interestingly, staying in the beta-wave mental state for a long time can be overwhelming and stressful. Relaxing changes the state of the brain waves and relieves those emotions.

Although gamma state is not fully understood in neuroscience, it is essential in learning, memory, and processing and generally implies complex manipulations and acute concentration.

There is nothing strange about trance, as it is a state of mind that humans practice often, either they are aware of it or not. The hypnotherapist's skill is to gently guide communication with the client's subconscious while the client is in a trance, successfully reveal blocked energies, and solve specific problems.

The Power of Hypnosis

Achieving trance's mental state is itself rewarding. It's peaceful, safe, and calm. Trances change and expand our sense of time. A rational mind structure does not limit our thinking. But perhaps the most beautiful, in the trance state, the subconscious mind begins to communicate through images and metaphors. Our consciousness exists and is observing, but our subconscious mind provides information and receives suggestions.

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进入潜意识状态的能力是催眠的基础 什么是催眠? 催眠的是什么样的感觉? 无论我们是否接受,我们的现实都包含我们的信念,思想和精神。 换句话说,您最想像的东西开始出现在您的生活中,如果这是真的,那么您可以运用自己的想法精确地创建您想要的现实。 什么是脑电波? 这些是大脑的自然内在节律。 催眠和脑电波模式随放松,解决问题和睡眠等活动而变化。 大脑的不同区域可以参与各种活动级别,但是这些模式之一始终是主要的。 有四种主要的脑电波模式(1. beta, 2. alpha, 3. theta, 4. delta) 第五个鲜为人知的模式 (5. gamma). 1) Beta (14-40Hz)-意识的觉醒和推理的脑电波浪潮 Beta波与普通的觉醒意识以及警觉性,逻辑性和批判性推理的增强状态相关。 这是我们在日常工作,交谈和互动中所感受到的状态。…
